
※ 게시판에 글쓰기를 하는 경우, 본문 또는 첨부파일 내에 개인정보(주민등록번호, 성명, 연락처 등)가 포함되어 게시되지 않도록 유의하시기 바랍니다.

※ 개인정보를 포함하여 게시하는 경우에는 불특정 다수에게 개인정보가 노출되어 악용될 수 있으며, 특히 타인의 개인정보가 노출되는 경우에는 개인정보보호법에 따라 처벌을 받을 수 있음을 알려드립니다.

목록 수정 삭제

english teacher
란결우 2012-06-26 11:53:31 조회수2649

I know how important English is in order to be successful in Korea….and I want to help you. I have experience teaching TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS. In addition, I can help you with English grammar and conversation skills. I can help edit your papers as well.

Over the years I’ve taught students:

1. Preparing to study in the U.S.,

2. Planning to live in English-speaking countries

3. Seeking jobs at American companies

4. Working at Korean firms and who need English for their career.

Whether you are studying for an English test to study abroad or trying to get an internship at a Western company, I can help you.

I am also among the cheapest you will find:

Eight lessons/month for 200,000-240,000 won total (depending on subject/location)

Just send me an email at needenglish@hotmail.com for a free first lesson.

About me: I’m an American male student at a university in Seoul studying communications/international business (finance). In addition to my experience in teaching, I’ve also worked in business as well as a writer/editor.